It is rare to hear people say “I don’t need anything”, or “I have everything, I ever dreamt of”. We buy new things week by week and can’t imagine we could stop it. This guide is about you and how to reduce consumption. Would you care to have a look?
The concept is based on:
– 10 steps
– 4 worlds
It takes 3-4 months to implement them and it gives you guaranteed results, as long as you follow the message. You can mix the sequence, add your own discoveries, but you should not skip anything.
It guides you through:
1. pH balance
2. Nutrition
3. Body control
4. Cleansing
5. Moving the body
6. Regeneration
7. Voting with the wallet
8. Minimalism and upcycling
9. Listening to nature
10. Mindfulness
Based on endless interviews I created a concept that makes us healthier, less consuming and much happier. By being greener, and more empathic.
Zaneta Geltz
Here is the link to a free guide: 10 STEPS GUIDE
This material is addressed for anyone who wants to eat a bit healthier food, lose extra weight, recover from an illness, regain energy or simply be happy. This guide is full of hints about food, alkalizing body, physical activities, relaxation and a more sustainable life. It is absolutely crucial to live in harmony with yourself and with nature that is our legacy.
Are you interested in my FREE GUIDE?
Educate yourself and vote with your wallet
When a long weekend is coming, there are usually long queues in supermarkets. People have their trolleys packed with all sort of junk that they wouldn’t survive without in a weekend: multi-pack of coke, toast bread, ready-made steak for a barbecue, a few bags of crisps and of course beer and ice-cream. Is this the menu our body will enjoy or needs?
Please, check if HAPPY EVOLUTION – 10 STEPS GUIDE is something for you. 🙂